
Best way to get forgotten souls
Best way to get forgotten souls

best way to get forgotten souls

(Farm this one as you farm Dragon Scale and Soul Geyser).

best way to get forgotten souls

1 in the pool of corrosive acid past the second bonfire Aldia's Keep.1 after the skeleton dragon in Aldia's Keep in the mirror gallery behind the stairway.Right where you get attacked by the rat-dog things who try to petrify you. 1 on the ground, in a bush just after and left of the gate before Aldia's Keep, near the first bonfire.1 in the Undead Crypt, in the first room past the second bonfire on the ground.1 in the Shrine of Amana, after the third bonfire lying in the water.1 on the corpse before the Looking Glass Knight boss room, in the passageway with Stone Knights.The mimic is located up the stairs on the right past the Old Knights. 1 in a mimic chest in Drangleic Castle after the Central Castle Drangleic bonfire in the room with the Executioner's Chariot.1 on a corpse in Drangleic Castle next to the curse painting before the second bonfire.1 in a chest in one of the side rooms with the Warrior Giants below Black Gulch.1 on a corpse in Lost Bastille, in the room next to the Straid's Cell bonfire room (requires the Bastille Key to open the room).1 from the blue crystal lizard in Brightstone Cove Tseldora near the "Chapel Threshold" bonfire.1 on a corpse in Brightstone Cove Tseldora, out the door and right from the "Lower Brightstone Cove" bonfire.1 in the Doors of Pharros, inside a trapped chest near the spike walls.1 in the Shaded Woods, in a wood chest one level above the "Shaded Ruins" bonfire (can be respawned by burning a Bonfire Ascetic).1 on a corpse hanging from the broken staircase opposite to the Smelter Demon boss room.1 on a corpse in the Iron Keep after turning off the fire in the room near the Smelter Demon.Can also be farmed from the Imperfect in the Lair of the Imperfect, along with Titanite Slabs, Twinkling Titanite, and Dragon Scales.Joining the Champion's Covenant allows unlimited spawning, making farming slightly easier. You can farm these from the Dragon Acolytes in Aldia's Keep.

Best way to get forgotten souls