Soon, the dog will be prompted to sit when you give the command “sit.” Practice giving the command, and each time your dog obeys, immediately click the clicker and follow with a treat. Repeat every time you catch your dog sitting. Each time your dog sits, say the word “sit,” click the clicker and give a treat. It’s best, to begin with, something simple the dog already does naturally, for example, sitting.

Start by choosing the task or trick you want your dog to learn. Once your dog understands the meaning of the clicker, you can begin training him or her using the clicker method. Your dog will learn that every time he hears the clicker, he will immediately be rewarded. Carry some treats around in your pocket, and click the clicker in various places and situations, such as in public, at home, while sitting, while standing, in the car, etc., so the dog realizes the clicker can be used anywhere and at any time. This can easily be done by clicking the clicker at random times and rewarding the dog with a treat immediately after.
How to Clicker Train Your Dogīefore you begin training your dog with the clicker, you must first condition the dog to associate the clicker with a reward. Clicker training is based on the same theory that dogs will begin to associate the sound of the clicker with some sort of reward, and eventually, the sound of the clicker will prompt the dogs to show the correct behavior without treats being present. Gradually, the dogs would begin to anticipate food by salivating just from hearing the sound of a bell, even if there was no food present. Many studies have proven that animals are able to learn by association, and the method can be traced back to Pavlov’s Theory of Classical Conditioning, in which he showed that dogs would associate the sound of a bell with food if it was rung before each meal. Eventually, the dog learns the correct behaviors in order to hear the clicker and receive the reward.Ĭlicker training is an efficient way to train your dog, as it is science-based and backed by a multitude of research. Over time, the dog begins to associate the sound of the clicker with receiving a treat for a certain behavior, such as sitting, lying down, or rolling over. The dog is able to receive instant feedback that whatever behavior was just performed was met by a positive response from its owner.

Every time the owner clicks the clicker, the dog receives a treat. If you’re new to training dogs, or new to dogs completely, don’t worry – this guide will help you learn the ins and outs of clicker training your new pup in no time! What Is Clicker Training?Ĭlicker training is a positive method of dog training in which the owner clicks a small remote control each time the dog shows the desired behavior. This type of training is highly effective, and it is a fantastic option to train dogs as an emotional support animal or ESA.

Currently, positive-reinforcement training techniques are more popular than negative training, and clicker training is a tried and true method that uses positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior.

One of the first things a dog owner wants to do after bringing home a new puppy, though, properly trains it to follow certain commands and behave appropriately, right? There are many strategies and tactics for training dogs, and it’s hard to know which one is best, especially if you’re a first-time dog owner. The moment you bring your brand new puppy, or puppy at heart, home, you may immediately be planning what to do with them bring them to the park, play fetch off the end of the dock, go for endless walks, and, of course, cuddle constantly (they are one of the best heaters during the cold winter months!).